PVC Ladder Ball Game (Using your old golf balls)

Build your own PVC Ladder Ball Game using all the old golf balls you have sitting in the garage. This Ladder Ball Kit is fast and easy to set up, and it's even easier to take down and pack away. You can take it with you where ever you want. Get ready for a fun time with friends and family all summer long.
You can buy all the fittings you need to build the PVC Latter Ball Game from our online store or on our website at www.CircoInnovation.com or call and place a order. Here is a list of all the products with our fitting descriptions.

#112-U 3/4 inch (Ell 90 degrees) - (2 pcs)
#122-U 3/4 inch (Tee) - (4 pcs)
#62-U 3/4 inch (Slip Tee) - (2 pcs)
#162-U 3/4 Inch (PVC Cap) -
(4 pcs)
Here is the YouTube video we have put together of step by step instructions of how to build your PVC Ladder Ball Game. Have fun building and be safe.

Circo Innovations, Inc.