Fast and Easy Cover Ideas: Circo Side Saddle Tee
Using PVC pipe and fittings is a great way to create a variety of things. One of the most common uses is building coverings, canopies and awnings for outdoor projects. Some of the advantages of using PVC pipe and fittings are that you don't have to get permits to build with PVC because it's not considered a permanent structure (check your local codes). Not only is PVC easy to find but it's generally inexpensive. Say you want to cover your firewood to keep it dry over the winter months, or you want to store your ATV or farm equipment. Or maybe you need to build a frame to cover your palm tree for winter. In this article we will show you a few ideas to accomplish these tasks with PVC.
1.) How to cover your palm trees for winter. Kevin at Island Wide Palm Trees has come up with an excellent solution, watch this video to see how.
2.) Need to cover your stack of firewood or your outdoor equipment? Daniel Ramey with Circo Innovations has a solution that is easy to adapt to any preexisting structures. This idea uses PVC pipe, a large tarp, and Hanging Side Saddle Tees. The Hanging PVC Side Saddle Tee allows you to be able to use 1 inch PVC pipe in a way never before, to build a great covering.

If you would like to order the Snap Clamps, Side Saddle Tees, or any other specialized fittings, please give us a call or click the buttons below.

Circo Innovations, Inc.
Grass Valley, CA (530)-272-3382